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10 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself On National Women’s Health And Fitness Day

Today is National Women's Health and Fitness Day.

This day is particularly important to me, as I’m a firm believer in taking time out of your daily life to work on your personal health and fitness. To me, women of all ages, shapes, and sizes, no matter their health or ability, should set time aside to focus on their health and fitness. I love the fact that National Women’s Health and Fitness Day makes people everywhere aware of the importance of regular exercise and healthy living for women.

I work out regularly, but I know that exercising and trying to eat healthily is not the easiest thing to keep up with. It’s been easy for me to maintain an exercise regimen because I love working out and feeling strong and healthy. However, I also know it’s hard to stay motivated, because training sometimes isn’t fun; it’s hard. Whether you're a working mom, a college student, or a workaholic in general, I encourage you to make time for your health.

Here’s some things you can do to participate in National Women’s Health and Fitness Day and to commit to putting your health first every day.

1. Attend a fitness event.

On this day, many health clubs, park and recreation districts, health and service organizations, schools, and other community locales will have women’s health and fitness events. Make sure to check out your local health clubs or look for events online… and then, go!

2. Go outdoors.

If you can’t make it out to a Women’s Health and Fitness Day event, no worries. Go to the park to walk for a few hours, go for a run, or engage in any sort of physical activity out in nature.

3.- Try something new.

Break out of your comfort zone, and try a spinning class, a yoga session, HIIT, a new sport, or a new fitness app. Don’t be afraid to mix up your routine! Variety can ward off fitness boredom and keep you on task.

4. Work out with friends.

Grab your friends, try out a group exercise class, or hit the gym together. Having friends to work out with can push you to train harder and motivate you to keep going, even when you’d rather hit snooze.

5. Have a positive mindset.

If you’re trying to stick with an exercise routine, a positive attitude can help tremendously. Instead of thinking “I have to exercise,” tell yourself “I get to exercise!” The attitude that exercise is something to look forward to will help you make the time to go do it. Don’t look at exercise as a chore; look at it as something that’s helping you improve your health. After all, a positive mind leads to a positive life!

6. Take a nap.

Health isn’t just about long runs and fitness trackers; napping is an important way to stay healthy, too. Almost nobody gets as much sleep as they’d like, but sleeping more will keep you more energetic throughout the day, reduce stress, and help you become more efficient at work. Work power naps into your afternoon routine to boost your energy and productivity levels.

7. Schedule a checkup.

Use Women’s Health and Fitness Day day as a reminder to schedule a preventative physical exam with your primary care doctor or OB/GYN. Depending on your age and health history, you may also need to set up an appointment for a mammogram. Make those important appointments today, especially if you are overdue!

8. Get your freak on.

If you’re feeling in the mood, and you want to burn some calories, release that pent-up sexual energy with your partner. Regular, satisfying sex can lower stress, improve your mood, and of course, put a smile on your face. Forget long runs on the beach; sex is really the best form of cardio.

9. Try new, healthy food.

There’s so much more to health than just fitness. If you’re looking to eat better, but you aren’t sure where to start, or you don’t have the time to jump into a complicated, new diet routine, try adding a new, different healthy food to your meals every week. Introducing new foods into your diet can help you vary what you eat, which will allow you to eat more healthfully overall.

10. Set aside some “me” time.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, so today, decompress and reflect on your personal goals. Go to your "happy place;" read your favorite book, meditate, or simply take a warm bath.

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day reminds ladies everywhere to make health and fitness a priority. Today is a great time to begin turning positive practices into healthy, lifelong habits. Community organizations expect between 50,000 and 75,000 women to join National Women’s Health and Fitness Day activities, and I hope you are one of them.

What will you do today for National Women’s Health and Fitness Day? Let us know in the comments!

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