Have you strangely noticed that in many cases, it is the “strangers” or the ones you haven’t met in person who often seem to support you in what you’re doing more than the ones you’ve met or have known for a long time?
Believe it or not, the fact of the matter is that strangers will support you more than the people you know.
Now that I am pursuing my passion as a writer and since I created my personal blog Mitzi J Hernandez, I came to the realization that some of my biggest and what I feel are my most genuine supporters are ones I’ve never even met in person yet. They are the first ones to give me great feedback about my work and how some of my articles have touched their hearts and they don’t feel alone knowing there’s someone out there who feels and struggles the same way they do.
While close friends and family don’t even bother to read my work.
So, why is this? Why does this happen? And what gives? Why would complete strangers who have no idea who you are be so much more likely to help and support your craziest dreams? And why the people whom, you’d think, should be the ones most likely to be in your corner, be so quick to shoot your dreams down?
“People want to see you do good, but not better than them”
In life, it’s very important to understand that the majority of people are selfish and only care about themselves and you may not have much support from your friends because they usually don’t care if they can’t benefit from it.
Another reason why, this is sadly the case. You and your friends and family come from the same “place,” but the minute you start moving up or look to improve your life in any way whatsoever, they take it as a shot at them and because they know they’re not doing much themselves, it bothers them. Many are in a certain place in their lives and expect you to basically “stay” there with them. Otherwise, you “think you’re better than them” or “high and mighty”.
It’s insecurity on their part, it also comes down to the fact that they had dreams of their own that they gave up on. Therefore, instead of supporting you, they will simply observe and criticize your every move. They will wait until you fail to condemn you, but ask for a handout once you make it.
For this reason, very few will even look at what you’re doing or take the time to try and understand what it is you’re trying to accomplish as an entrepreneur, writer, musician or whatever you dream may be. So, if you’re someone who has decided to break the monotony that is everyday life by going for something and making a change in your life. Whether it is looking to achieve a lifelong dream or even something such as wanting to lose weight and live a healthier life; you know this move is going to be something big. Be prepared to depend on your own self as main source of support.
Very few people will support you in the beginning because you have yet to prove yourself worthy of supporting. However, use those same critiques and lack of support from others as fuel and motivation to prove them ALL WRONG. So, don’t worry too much if your family and friends don’t support you.
There is NEVER anything wrong with doing whatever it is you need to do or feel you want to do to improve your life in whatever way you see fit.
The main thing I learned when friends disappoint is, a lot of times, they weren’t really good friends to begin with. Now, I am fully aware of those who support me and those who just observe me. As I progress, I pay less attention to those who watch and criticize, and pay more attention to those people who actually matter.
When you are working on your future and face criticism, it is important to take this as time to filter out your friends and reflect on the quality versus the quantity. You will come to find that your true friends are the ones who support you 100% while everyone else gets demoted to an “acquaintance”.
The most important thing is to keep hustling, building and working towards your dreams. Because if friends and strangers see you hustling, you can inspire them to do the same, and you will be surprised how many will tell you they admire your courage to step out and take the “risk” of chasing your dreams.
Make things happen for you, and you alone.